GFRP Moulded Gratings

Dudhi Dyna Guard STA: GFRP Moulded Gratings

DynaGrate STA: Moulded gratings are widely used in various applications due to their lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and durable properties. These gratings are manufactured by combining resin with fiberglass reinforcement through a molding process, resulting in a strong and versatile material.

DynaGuard STA : GFRP Moduled Gratings

Grating ThicknessMesh/Rib DescriptionPanel Sizes Available (MM)Weight (kg/m2)% Open AreaLoading Capacity (UDL) (kg/SQM)
1”(25 mm)Square Mesh(38 x 38 mm ) RibThickness-(5-7 MM)1220X366012.268%450
1-1/4”(30 mm)Square Mesh(38 x 38 mm ) RibThickness-(5-7 MM)1220X366015.6268%500
1-1/2” 40 mm)Square Mesh(38 x 38 mm ) RibThickness-(5-7 MM)1220X366018.5568%750

DynaGuard STA : GFRP Moduled Gratings


DynaGuard STA : GFRP Moduled Gratings

Physical Properties:

Density: Varies depending on the resin matrix and reinforcement, typically around 1.6 – 2.0 g/cm³.
Thermal Conductivity: Low thermal conductivity compared to metals.
Expansion Coefficient: Minimal expansion and contraction with temperature changes.

Electrical Properties:

Non-Conductive: FRP gratings are non-conductive and offer excellent electrical insulation properties.

Mechanical Properties:

Tensile Strength: Typically in the range of 20,000 - 30,000 psi (138 – 207 MPa).
Flexural Strength: Around 25,000 – 40,000 psi (172 - 276 MPa).
Compressive Strength: Approximately 20,000 – 30,000 psi (138 – 207 MPa).
Impact Strength: High impact resistance due to the composite nature of the material.

Load-bearing capacity:

Load Ratings: Load-bearing capacities vary based on the mesh size, panel thickness, and design specifications. Often specified as uniform and concentrated load limits.
Panel Sizes and Mesh Configurations: Available in various panel sizes, mesh configurations, and thicknesses. Customizable to suit specific project requirements.

Mild Steel Grating

Material Composition: Made of steel, which can corrode and rust over time, especially in corrosive environments.
Corrosion Resistance: Susceptible to corrosion and rust, especially in environments with moisture or exposure to chemicals.
Weight: Heavier than DUDHI DYNAGRATE STA FRP, requiring more effort and equipment for handling and installation.
Strength-to-Weight Ratio: Strong, but its weight can limit its practical load-bearing capacity compared to DUDHI DYNAGRATE STA FRP.
Electrical Conductivity: Conductive, posing a risk in electrical and electronic environments.
Maintenance: Needs regular maintenance to prevent rust and corrosion, involving painting, coatings, and potential replacements
Fire Resistance: Vulnerable to fire and may require additional fireproofing measures.
Installation: Heavier and requires more labour and equipment for installation.
Aesthetic Options: Generally lacks aesthetic customization options.
Cost: Lower initial cost but higher maintenance and replacement costs due to corrosion and rust.
Environmental Impact: Resource-intensive to produce and can contribute to environmental degradation if not properly maintained.

DynaGrate STA

Material Composition: Manufactured with Special Grade of fiberglass reinforced with plastic resin. Offers excellent corrosion resistance, high strength-to-weight ratio, and Non-conductivity.
Corrosion Resistance: Highly resistant to corrosion from chemicals, moisture, and environmental elements. Suitable for harsh and corrosive environments.
Weight: Lightweight, making transportation, handling, and installation easier. Reduces the need for heavy equipment during installation.
Strength-to-Weight Ratio: Offers a high strength-to-weight ratio, allowing it to handle heavy loads while remaining lightweight.
Electrical Conductivity: Non-conductive and offers excellent electrical insulation properties, making it safe for use in electrical environments.
Maintenance: Requires minimal maintenance due to its resistance to corrosion and chemicals.
Fire Resistance: Dudhi DynaGrate STA FRP gratings are manufactured with fire-retardant additives, enhancing its fire resistance.
Installation: Lightweight and can be easily cut and installed with basic tools. Suitable for areas where heavy equipment is impractical.
Aesthetic Options: Available in various colors and surface patterns for aesthetic integration.
Cost: Initial cost might be higher, but lower maintenance and longer lifespan can make it cost-effective over time.
Environmental Impact: More environmentally friendly due to recyclability and lower resource consumption during production.
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Frequently Asked Questions on
GFRP Moulded Grating

Properties and benefits of FRP compared to other traditional materials:
  1. Lightweight: GFRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) manhole covers are lightweight, making them easy to handle and install.
  2. Corrosion-resistant: GFRP manhole covers are resistant to various types of corrosion, including acid and alkali corrosion, making them ideal for use in harsh environments.
  3. Non-conductive: GFRP manhole covers are non-conductive, which means they do not conduct electricity, reducing the risk of electrical accidents.
  4. Slip-resistant: GFRP manhole covers have non-skid surfaces that prevent slipping, even when wet, ensuring safe accessibility.
  5. Durability: GFRP manhole covers are incredibly durable and long-lasting. They can withstand heavy loads and prolonged exposure to harsh environments without cracking or distorting.
  6. Aesthetically pleasing: GFRP manhole covers are available in various colors, styles, and designs, making them an excellent choice for areas where aesthetics are essential.
  7. Better theft prevention: GFRP manhole covers are far less valuable than traditional cast iron covers, making them less attractive to thieves. Additionally, the covers can be secured in place with optional locking systems, adding an extra layer of security.
Cost-effective: GFRP manhole covers are often more affordable than traditional cast iron covers, making them a cost-effective solution for municipalities and other organizations.

Description of materials and manufacturing processes involved in FRP production. FRP (Fiber-Reinforced Polymer) manhole covers are made using a combination of resin and fiber materials. The manufacturing process involves the following steps:

  • Design and Molding: The desired size and shape of the manhole cover are designed using CAD software to ensure accurate dimensions. A mold is then created based on the design.
  • Preparation of fibers: Fibers such as fiberglass, carbon fiber, or aramid fibers are cut into specific lengths and prepared for impregnation with resin.
  • Impregnation with Resin: The prepared fibers are then impregnated with a resin such as polyester, vinyl ester, or epoxy. The resin ensures that the fibers are bonded together and provides strength to the material.
  • Laying the fibers: The impregnated fibers are laid into the mold in a specific orientation to achieve maximum strength and stiffness.
  • Curing: The filled mold is then placed inside a curing oven where the resin is allowed to cure at a specified temperature and time.
  • Demolding: Once the curing process is complete, the mold is demolded, and the FRP cover is extracted.
  • Finishing: The FRP cover is then trimmed, polished, and painted as per the requirements.

FRP manhole covers offer several advantages over traditional materials such as cast iron or concrete as they are lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and have high strength to weight ratio. Additionally, they are non-conductive, non-magnetic, and do not rust or rot, making them a long-lasting and cost-effective solution for manhole covers.

FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) manhole covers are made of composite materials comprising of glass fiber, resin, and additives. These materials are layered together to form a strong lightweight cover with significant strength, durability and low thermal expansion properties. The technical specifications of FRP manhole covers are as follows:

  1. Load-bearing capacity: FRP manhole covers have a high load-bearing capacity ranging from 2.5 tons to 60 tons. This depends on the size and type of cover.
  2. Thickness: The thickness of FRP manhole covers ranges from 20 mm to 80 mm depending on the load carrying capacity requirement.
  3. Dimension: Sizes of FRP manhole covers range from 300 mm × 300 mm to 1200 mm × 1200 mm.
  4. Weight: FRP manhole covers are lightweight and easy to handle. The weight of FRP manhole covers ranges from 4 kg to 80 kg.
  5. Durability: FRP manhole covers are more durable and long-lasting than traditional covers made of materials like cast iron or concrete. They are virtually maintenance-free and have a lifespan of over 50 years.
  6. Anti-corrosion properties: FRP manhole covers have excellent anti-corrosive properties and are highly resistant to chemicals, acids, and alkalis.
  7. Fire resistance: FRP manhole covers are fire-resistant and self-extinguishing, making them ideal for use in flammable environments.
  8. Slip-resistant and skid-resistant: FRP manhole covers have a slip-resistant and skid-resistant surface, providing a safe working environment for employees.
  9. UV resistance: FRP manhole covers are UV-resistant and do not fade or crack due to exposure to sunlight.
  10. Color: FRP manhole covers are available in a range of colors and can be customized to match the surrounding landscape or infrastructure

Design considerations and analysis of FRP components and structures. Structural design with FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) involves the use of high-strength materials made from a combination of polymer resins, fibers, and other reinforcement components. These materials offer several advantages over traditional materials like steel or concrete, including high strength-to-weight ratios, corrosion resistance, and durability.

FRP composites can be used in a variety of structural applications, such as beams, columns, walls, slabs, and even entire bridge systems. The design process typically involves analyzing the load conditions, selecting appropriate FRP material properties, and determining the optimal composite configuration to achieve the required strength and stiffness.

One of the key challenges in FRP design is accounting for the anisotropic (direction-dependent) properties of the composite material. For example, the strength and stiffness of FRP composites can vary significantly depending on the orientation of the fibers within the matrix. Properly accounting for these directional properties is essential to ensure safe and effective designs.

As an AI language model, I cannot do design calculations or give you detailed solutions to specific problems. However, I hope my brief explanation gives you a general idea of the process and considerations involved in structural design with FRP materials.

Description of testing methodologies and quality control procedures for FRP products. Testing and quality control are essential parts of the manufacturing process for FRP (Fiber-Reinforced Plastic) products. The following are some of the ways in which testing and quality control are carried out:

  1. Material Testing: Before using the FRP material, the raw material is tested to ensure its quality. This involves testing for tensile strength, compressive strength, flexural strength, and other properties.
  2. Process Testing: In the manufacturing process, the quality of the product is tested at different stages. This involves testing the mix of the resin and hardener, the curing temperature, curing time, and other process parameters.
  3. Physical Testing: The physical properties of the FRP product are measured and tested to ensure that they meet the required standards. This involves testing for strength, stiffness, dimensional stability, and other mechanical properties.
  4. Chemical Testing: The chemical properties of the FRP product are also tested to ensure that they meet the required standards. This involves testing for resistance to chemicals, water absorption, and other properties.
  5. Non-Destructive Testing:Non-destructive testing is carried out on the finished FRP product to ensure that there are no defects or flaws. This involves ultrasound testing, X-ray testing, and other non-destructive testing techniques.
  6. Quality Control: Throughout the manufacturing process, quality control checks are carried out to ensure that the product meets the required specifications. This involves monitoring the process parameters, inspecting the product, and carrying out other quality control activities.

Overall, the testing and quality control processes are critical in ensuring that FRP products are of high quality and meet the required standards. This helps to guarantee the longevity and durability of the product, making it suitable for various applications across different sectors.

Overview of industry standards and regulations related to FRP. There are no standardized regulations for FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) Manhole Cover as they can vary based on the specific application, industry, and manufacturer. However, there are some general principles and guidelines that are commonly followed by manufacturers in order to ensure the quality and performance of FRP Manhole Cover. These principles include:

    1. Material Properties: The FRP material used in the Manhole Cover should be selected based on its strength and stiffness properties. This includes the fiber type, resin type, and fiber volume fraction.
    2. Core Design: The geometry and dimensions of the manual core should be designed based on the specific application requirements. This includes the number of plies, thickness, and shape.
    3. Manufacturing Process: The Manhole Cover should be manufactured using a controlled process such as filament winding, pultrusion, or hand lay-up. The process should be optimized for the specific material properties and core design.
    4. Quality Control: The Manhole Cover should be subject to rigorous quality control measures, including visual inspections, mechanical tests, and material characterization.
    5. Testing and Validation: The Manhole Cover should be tested and validated to ensure that they meet the specific application requirements and performance specifications. This includes testing for strength, stiffness, fatigue, and other mechanical properties.


Overall, the quality and performance of FRP Manhole Cover depend on a combination of material properties, design, manufacturing process, quality control, and testing and validation. Manufacturers should follow best practices and guidelines to ensure that their Manhole Cover meet the highest standards of quality and performance.

But various organizations such as ASTM International, EN (European Standard), ISO (International Organization for Standardization), and BS (British Standards Institution). The following are some of the key standards and regulations for FRP manhole covers:

  1. Loading Capacity: The FRP manhole covers should be designed and tested to withstand the expected loads and impact forces. The loading capacity of the cover is usually specified in terms of tonnage, which varies depending on the location and type of the manhole.
  2. Slip Resistance: The surface of the FRP manhole cover should be slip-resistant to prevent accidents due to slipping. The slip resistance of the cover is usually specified in terms of a slip resistance rating, which is determined by tests conducted according to specific standards.
  3. Fire Resistance: The FRP manhole cover should be resistant to fire and should not emit toxic gases when exposed to fire. The fire resistance of the cover is usually specified in terms of a fire rating, which is determined by tests conducted according to specific standards.
  4. Chemical Resistance: The FRP manhole cover should be resistant to various chemicals that may be present in the environment. The chemical resistance of the cover is determined by testing against specific chemicals according to specific standards.
  5. Dimensional Accuracy: The dimensions of the FRP manhole cover should conform to the specified dimensions in order to ensure proper fit and function with the manhole frame.
  6. Environmental Sustainability: The FRP manhole cover should be environmentally sustainable and manufactured using sustainable practices. The materials and manufacturing processes used should comply with environmental regulations and guidelines.
  7. UV Resistance: The FRP manhole cover should be resistant to UV radiation in order to prevent degradation due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. The UV resistance of the cover is usually specified in terms of a rating which is determined by testing according to specific standards.

I can provide a general case study of a successfully implemented FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) application.One such example is the Structurally Integrated Portable Bridge System (SIPBS) developed by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) using FRP technology. The SIPBS is a portable, lightweight, and modular bridge system designed for military applications. 

The use of FRP materials in the construction of the bridge system provides numerous advantages over traditional steel and concrete bridges. The FRP structure is resistant to corrosion, has a higher strength-to-weight ratio, and is easier to transport and install due to its lightweight nature.

The SIPBS has been successfully tested and deployed in various military operations, including the Iraq war in 2003. It has proven to be an effective and efficient bridge system, allowing military personnel to transport heavy equipment and vehicles over difficult terrain quickly and safely. 

This case study highlights the successful application of FRP materials in developing a cost-effective, durable, and efficient bridge system for military use. It demonstrates the potential benefits of using FRP materials in infrastructure development, leading to increased sustainability, durability, and cost savings over time.

potential future developments and innovations in the FRP industry. I can provide information based on current trends and predictions regarding the future of FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) manhole covers.

FRP manhole covers are becoming increasingly popular due to their durability, corrosion-resistance, and lightweight characteristics. They are also more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than traditional materials such as cast iron or concrete.

The market for FRP manhole covers is expected to see significant growth in the coming years. Factors such as increasing urbanization, infrastructural development, and awareness of environmental sustainability are expected to drive demand for these covers.

Moreover, several governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are implementing regulations mandating the use of FRP manhole covers. For instance, the Indian government has announced plans to replace all traditional manhole covers with FRP covers to prevent fatal accidents caused by accidents involving open manholes.

Overall, the future of FRP manhole covers seems promising, and they are expected to become the preferred choice for infrastructure development and maintenance projects around the world.

In conclusion, the use of FRP manhole covers in construction offers significant advantages over traditional materials such as cast iron, concrete, and steel. FRP manhole covers are lightweight, corrosion-resistant, durable, and have excellent strength and load-bearing capacity. They also offer a higher level of safety due to their non-conductive and non-slip properties, which reduce the risk of accidents.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, FRP manhole covers may be more expensive than traditional materials, but their long service life and low maintenance costs make them a better investment in the long run. Additionally, FRP manhole covers are environmentally friendly and can be recycled.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to use FRP manhole covers in construction projects, especially in areas that are prone to corrosive environments and heavy traffic. Their superior performance and properties make them a valuable asset to any construction project.

Dudhi is a leading manufacturer, and supplier of Fiberglass (FRP/GRP) products, with the state of the art technology and constant Research & Development. Dudhi Industries Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001: 2015, ISO:14001:2015,  certified company.

Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) manhole cover is a composite material made of a polymer matrix reinforced with Fibres. The type of fiber sheet is woven mesh randomly arranged into the core of polymer in multiple layers. To provide extra strength, a special type of aggregate is added in sequence in the core of the polymer. The composite molded sheet is manufactured with special Technology of engineered process and shapes in various patterns which are called Manhole covers, Sewer Grates, and Lawn covers. This material is having the ability to take the heavy vehicular load as required for all vehicles like motorbikes, cars, buses, trucks, and even fire tenders.

The range of FRP products offering by us as per the requirement of Infrastructure activities such as building premises and roads drain water management segments.
  • Manhole cover: – Various patterns in circular, Square, Rectangular and double door for bigger siges.
  • Tank Cover: – Specially designed Air proof tank cover which is useful for hygienic purpose ie- prevent from rain/outside dirt water enter inside the tank.
  • Gully Grating: – Available in Square and Rectangle sizes for Rain/waste water management system. Dudhi Gully Grating offers an innovative grating which is meant for continuing drainage channel like location of ramps and peripherals of basement and building premises. Due to sleek and good length the aesthetics of drain and Ramps are enhance so more.
  • Recessed Manhole cover: – To maintained seamless of floors where the floor rendering with Stone, tile or pavers this recessed cover is better solution for the purpose.
  • Lawn cover: – In green area to keep continuation of grass, this lawn cover can solve the requirement of water ventilation along with the continuation of grass/green ability. 
  • Tree Grating:– Tree Grating is recommended to save tree from RCC Structure.
  • Composite Manhole Covers can be widely used in :
    • Inspection chambers for sewerage
    • Underground Electrical Cabling, 
    • Telecom Cabling, 
    • Water drainage system
    • Gas and Petroleum Installations,
    • Beautification of Landscapes and Gardens.
  • FRP/GRP/Composite manhole covers are tested for load bearing and permanent seta as per BS EN 124:1991 and IS 1726. BS EN 26 is testing code worldwide for Manhole covers in Cat iron, Ductile iron and other materials also. Permanent deformation in cover after multiple loading within a short time as specified in the code.
  • HSN Code : 392690
  • GST : 18%
Performance of Dudhi FRP manhole covers compared to CI & RCC Manhole Covers?
Description CI RCC/SFRC (Steel fiber reinforced concrete) Dudhi FRP
Life Span Moderate Low High
Strength Moderate Very Low Very High
Cost Moderate Low Comparable to CI
Weight Light Heavy Light 
Manufacturing System Manually Casted Manually Compress Molecular Binding Technique
Material Cast Iron Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Glass Fiber Re-inforced Polymer
Water Absorptive/24hours High Water Absorptive High Water Absorptive 10-30 grm
Carbon Content 5-10 % Carbon Free
Scrap Value High Low Nil(Zero Value)
Anti Acid/Alkaline Affected Affected Not Affected
Colour Range Black Concrete Grey Range Available
Logo Embossing Not Available Not Available Possible
Flexibility Bend with load Bend with load Come back in bending
Custom Design/Size Not Available Not Available Possible
Handling Difficult Very Difficult Easy
Compressive Strength Not mentioned Not mentioned 300-600 Mpa
Thermal Expansion High Negligible Nil
Noise(vehicle movement) Noise Generate Noise Generate No Noise Generate
Break Elongation Ratio More than 10% More than 30% 1.3-10%
Corrosion Resistance Affected with short span Affected with short span No Corrosion Affected
Abrasion Resistance None None Yes
Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyester (FRP / GRP) technology is a next-generation technology that is fast replacing the use of traditional materials like C.I., D.I., Concrete, PVC, M.S., etc. due to its superior properties. Just to mention a few, FRP products have zero scrap value, non-corrosive and weatherproof, are light in weight, Watertight, odourless & can be manufactured in several  decorative designs, colours & finishes. The specialty of GRP / FRP products: – They are Anti-theft, Anti-Skid & Anti Rust, unlike CI, DI& Concrete. Acid, alkali, weather & UV resistance
  • Central Public Works Department, Government of India (CPWD) 
  • Public Works Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi (PWD)
  • Airport Authority of India
  • Meets standards of Green Pro certification and qualifies as green product
Technical & Physical Parameters of Dudhi GFRP manhole covers
Longitudinal Strength 250-600 Mpa 
Compressive Strength  300-600 Mpa
Stretch Modulus  25-35 Gpa 
Break Elongation Ratio Bending Strength Poission–Ratio Relative Density Water-Absorptive (24h) General Application Temperatures In 1.3-10.0% 700-1400 Mpa 0.35 1.11-1.15 10-30 mg -40c~120c

FRP manhole covers have long durability Approximately 50 Years.

Composition is formulated from Polymer, silica sand, Glass Fiber and other miner ingredients

What are the Available Sizes of Dudhi FRP manhole covers?

Manhole Cover Circular – 300 mm, 450 mm, 530mm, 600 mm

Manhole Cover Square – 225, 300, 450, 600, 750, 900, 1200 mm

Manhole Cover Rectangular – 300X450, 450X600, 450X900, 600X750, 600X900, 750X900 mm

Water Tank Cover  Square – 450, 600, 750, 900 mm

Gully Grating Square – 300, 450,750,900 mm

Gully Grating Rectangle – 150X1000, 200X1000, 250X1000, 300X1000, 450X600, 450X900, 600X900 mm

Lawn Cover Square – 450, 600 mm

Recessed Cover  Square – 225, 300, 450, 600, 750 mm

Tree Grating  Square – 450, 600, 750, 900 mm

Choose a suitable manhole cover Load Bearing Capacity



  1. Load 2.5T

(Point Load/Wheel load 0.8T)

Areas where can be used by footways, pedestrians areas, side walking ways, or pedal cyclists.

  1. Load 5T

(Point Load/Wheel load 2.5T)

Suitable for use in areas with light Motor vehicle traffic underground parking decks in residential areas.

  1. Load 10.0 T

(Point Load/Wheel load 3.0 T)

Areas where can be used by footways, car parks, driveways etc.

  1. Load 20.0 T

(Point Load/Wheel load 5.0 T)

Roads for relatively slow moving traffic, i.e minor residential, cul-de-sacs and frequent traffic area.

  1. Load 40.0 T

(Point Load/Wheel load 11.5 T)

Areas such as power stations, carriageways, hard shoulders, parking areas for all vehicle types. For high density traffic conditions we recommend the use of vibration resistant locking system.

Transportation: Lay in flat of manhole cover with a pair of Frame and cover plate during transportation.

Handling: Bigger size of manhole cover is heavier in weight so engage two persons at least to carry in loading or unloading. To avoid damage of corners and edges, keep the cover plate in safe place during fixing of frame.

The foundation of the chamber should be casting the concrete C-30 or even better, the frame around the concrete width should be around 300 mm. For more specification Follow instruction of Do or Do’N What are the steps of Application for Dudhi FRP manhole covers?
  • Make sure that top level of the frame should match the road.
  •  Prepare concrete bed considering height of the frame
  • Frame should be allowed to set in concrete for a minimum time of 48 hrs, before its use.
Please note frame is not load bearing and therefore has to be completely supported from all sides. For more specification follow instruction of installation.

Do not choose under load capacity it may get damage or harm full during traffic movement. 

During the process if any traffic run on the frame or cover will get damage.

Do not use hammer or any other tools to open cover from frame

During fixing the frame have to fixed on chamber with proper position not along with cover plate. The cover plate should lay on the frame after completion of flooring work. For more specification Follow instruction of Do or Do’N. The information herein should not be read in isolation as it is meant only as guidance for the user, who should always ensure that they are fully conversant with the products and systems being used and their subsequent installation prior to the commencement of work.

Backed by Superior Service

  • Technical Service team offers solutions for application methodology.
  • Intermediate site inspections and feedback
  • Recommend appropriate sizes for fixing and finishing.
  • Large distributed manufacturing capacity hence easy available in time.

know more about us and our range of products, you can log on to our website or simply write us on